Why George W. Bush won in 2004


Warum George W. Bush wiedergewählt wurde.
(Und wie das vermutlich abging)
Warum John F. Kerry keine Chance hatte und
Michael Moore keinen Auftrag.
Wie kann Ameika gerettet werden? Ganz einfach:
Die EU sollte sich ernsthaft überlegen,
die Red States aufzunehmen. Das kann doch nicht
so schwer sein!

Begleittext —clip—

The IQ numbers were originally attributed to the book „IQ and the Wealth of Nations“, though they do not appear in the current edition.
The tests and data were administered via the Raven’s APT, and the The Test Agency, one of the UK’s leading publishers and distributors of psychometric tests. This data has been published in the Economist and the St. Petersburg Times, though this does not mean it should be taken as fact.
Though the data does correlate somewhat to IQ of students per state based on SAT/ACT data, though this would be biased for those that had completed a high school education.
Someone has also taken 2000 census data on percentage of state residents that have earned a college degree and used that to compare the voting in the 2000 election, it seems to correlate well.
Someone sent me a table showing average income per state, and how they voted as well.

Some people have written me saying that this is a hoax, I am unsure if it is, someone did a list like this in the 2000 election, I found it interesting, but moreso this time, as people knew exactly what they were getting into. My powers of fact checking dwindle in the face of such pillars of journalistic integrity as the Economist and St. Petersburg Times.
Needless to say, as I stated above, the data is in question, but it’s still an interesting correlation that is very plausible. This wasn’t posted as an elitest diatribe, as i said, I just found it interesting.

Mirrored for my friend at ChrisEvans3D.com. Before you cheer or flame me,
I make no claims for/against the validity of the data; I just provide the bandwidth.

Gefunden auf: Matthew Trentacostes Weblog „Attenuation“

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